Merlyn's Apprentice


In the pursuit of saving her ailing father, Morgan embarks on a perilous adventure into a realm where science and sorcery intertwine, challenging the very foundations of reality. Guided by an unwavering fascination with the occult since childhood, Morgan's quest takes an astonishing turn when she crosses paths with Merlyn, an immortal alien scientist possessing technology so advanced it appears as magic.

Meanwhile, Merlyn, consumed by personal sorrow and an inflated ego, remains oblivious to the impending cosmic menace looming on the horizon. Enter Gwyn, a long-time acquaintance with her own hidden agendas, who strives to persuade Merlyn to abandon Earth and its women. However, her actions inadvertently unleash an ancient evil, the very force responsible for Merlyn's tragic past.

Witness Morgan's transformation from an ordinary college student to an extraordinary heroine as she navigates a world where the lines between magic and technology blur, and the true essence of heroism is revealed.

Sample Chapter(s)

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